of Gods and Mortals

Show me a Mortal who has not wondered at the weakness of the Gods. And show me, better yet, a God who has not envied the strength of the Mortals.

Nepheris, The Bound God

Zealot Larp presents a landscape of Gods and Mortals. Mortal and God alike are tangled in a complex web of strife, success, and sacrifice. In a world of constantly evolving dangers and uneasy histories, individuals must determine how they will shape the world’s ultimate trajectory.

In Zealot, players take on the role of The Devout, an elite class of worshippers who uphold the laws of the Pantheon while, simultaneously, negotiating the fickle allegiances and passions of their respective deities.

In a world where no one–not even a God–is truly immortal, life demands a balance of equal parts faith and skepticism. After all, discretion is the better part of zealotry.

Learn everything you need to play Zealot below. Additionally, feel free to email us at zealot.larp@gmail.com with questions!

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